Sunday, March 12, 2017

Getting it together

Over the past week my group and I have been discussing possible themes we would like to explore in our magazines. We each started to brainstorm themes we were either personally attracted to or simply interested on their process of creation. Among the many option we came with were: Food, Fashion, Health/Fitness. Some of us were reluctant to the idea of working in a fashion magazine, as they rely a lot in the clothing aspect and not as much in the techniques being displayed. These types of magazines require the proper exhibition of a wardrobe that appeals to the audience, and that we clearly do not have. On the other hand, one of our group members argued that working on a food magazine and photographing food, required many details like: light, color, textures, etc, which demanded a lot of meticulous job. For the first time we were facing, what I predicted was going to be an obstacle, collectively agreeing on something.

But then we noticed that we could fit all those themes, into one: a Fitness magazine. Where we could talk about the importance of having a balanced nutrition, the most efficient gym exercises, and of course, address the fashion aspect with the newest trend in gymwear. Each of us would pick one of the three subjects and develop it into their own magazine issue. This way we could satisfy those who wanted to do fashion and those who wanted to do food.

After our decision, we proceeded to discuss what our magazines and issues had to have in common and shared suggestions on how each could approach their theme in a  better way. Working in groups can sometimes be a pain, but in real life, these magazines are the product of teamwork, in which they constructively critique and help each other in order to come up with something great. Everywhere you go, no matter what job, career or profession you choose, at some point you’re going to have to team up and create something. So sometimes it’s better to start working on those skills at an early age

Luckily this time we ended on a happy note. I’ll let you know about the next.

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